I are Vince.
HEY! I’m a portrait and fine-art photographer based in Ludington, MI. This is me. Well, more like a GIGANTIC image of my eye and a small, lit portion of my face, but that’s about 15% of me. Great to meet you. Thanks for stopping by.
My name is Vince Rockwell, I’ve been a photographer all my life but only recently allowed myself to accept the title. Imposter Syndrome and all that, you know? I had a tendency to take pictures constantly but never understood that was supposed to be the official path for me. So I spent AAAA LOOOOOOOTTTTT of my time doing all the other things I’ve had a chance to do instead of what I was supposed to do.
7yrs in the Army as a Combat Engineer
6yrs as a Freelance Content Creator
2 1/2yrs as a Television Producer
2yrs as a Commercial Photo Retoucher
1yr as Ground Crew and “Aerial Marksmanship Instructor” for a helicopter hog hunting company
1yr as a Content Creator at Black Rifle Coffee
1yr as the Media Director for Fieldcraft Survival
4mo as a “Courier” for a Urinalysis company, “Driving pee from A to B.”
2wks as a loader at UPS
I did eventually realize that I enjoyed making images so I have also spent time doing actual photography, most notably spending 8yrs doing Concert Photography for bands like POD, Chevelle, Slipknot, NonPoint, Saving Abel and several others. You can find a lot of those images over at my music blog, Rockshow Media. You can also head over to my Concert page and see some of my favorite shots from all the shows I’ve shot.
These days I concentrate mainly on landscape and portrait photography. I love being outside, and despite how often I complain about it, I love people. Everyone has an incredible story to share and it makes my heart happy when I get to meet people, hear those stories, and share images we’ve made together.
Photography, as it turns out, is about how cool the images come out. But even more importanter, it’s about your relationship with your subject. How vulnerable you’re willing to be with someone in the flash of a moment, and how much you’re willing to let your heart show. I let mine show constantly, and it’s becoming a goal of mine to share with others that they can do the same.
Below is a collection of images to show how seriously I take myself. Which is very serious.
Feel free to reach with out any questions you may have!